Avery IPA is not my favorite IPA ever. I probably wouldn't buy it unless it was the only IPA in stock. It just doesn't measure up to my IPA standard. It is too well balanced, too bland, too, well, boring. IPAs should light up your palate. They should leave your mouth feeling fresh and piney.
The Avery IPA is a neat package with little acutal substance. The bottle is cool but the beer is mediocre. The only thing that I found interesting was the unusal fruity after taste, not citrus, not berry, maybe apple. That I found interesting, but even that wasn't strong enough to warrant too much notice. I didn't hate it. I haven't found an IPA I hate yet. I don't think I will be eager to try it again though. It just didn't quite make it to the levels of Torpedo, Racer 5 or Ruination.
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