Ah yes 4/20, if we had been thinking we would have purchased Hemp Ale, or maybe one of the beers from Weed, CA. We were not thinking about the MJ holiday when we made our calendar. We match beers with numbers in their names to the date that corresponds, we're clever like that.
I very much enjoyed my April 20, 2010. I worked, had lunch with my handsome, wonderful husband, went to Spiteri's and had pitchers and food with the boys, then birthday dinner for cousin John, ending the evening with Idol and beer with my sisters-in-law. It was a nice day. We took our bottle of Twentieth over to their house.
Twentieth is made by North Coast Brewing Coompany in honor of their twentieth anniversary. It is an oak barrel aged Belgian style ale. I didn't like it. Agave nectar was also an addition to this beer. It poured out a pretty color, light gold and the bottle is neat. I like the label. That is about all I can say in a positive way about this beer.
I am so glad the North Coast Brewing Company exists. I love most of their beers. Twentieth wasn't one of them.
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